引用第346樓火鳳凰於2010-02-11 13:22發表的“”:
我完全唔知你講緊乜野,仲要唔係好友內,我除左係好友內就無用火鳳凰既名義 post 過任何野…… [表情]
引用第4樓火鳳凰於2009-02-20 15:01發表的“”:
不過如果要鼓勵放料既人將資訊放入資訊版的話,又會做成另一個爭議。大家已經習慣左係主版度搵資訊,如果要大家稍移玉步入去子版搵既話,大家都會唔習慣,反對聲音會不絕於耳。於是大家就諗到 ”every rule has an exception”,大家鍾意既 topic 就係 exception,唔鍾意既就放逐佢入去子版啦。
大家其實知唔知 “every rule has an exception” 呢句野係要黎點用?呢句似是而非既說話係方便權貴人士唔需要導守規則。點解似是而非?唔知大家有冇聽過 exception paradox?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_paradoxException paradox: if every rule has an exception, then there must be an exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.
From the logical point of view, this can be taken as a proof that the sentence "every rule has an exception" is false - a simple example of a proof technique known as reductio ad absurdum. More formally,
1. Every rule has an exception. (Statement)
2. "Every rule has an exception" has an exception. (By 1)
3. There exists some rule R without exception. (By 2)
4. Since R is a rule, by the first statement it must have an exception. But by 3, it does not have an exception - a contradiction.
呢句說話本身係 logically false,而 “every rule has an exception” 將會演變成 “there are two sets of rules, one for the prominent folks, one for the ordinary folks”。即係話我地有兩套法則,一套適用於權貴人士,另一套適用於普通人士。
好多人可能會覺得我好多餘,有乜好嘈姐,以我係 yff 版打滾多年,就算繼續係主版出資訊都唔會有人敢話我,我都好大機會可以做特權人士,我根本唔需要遵守規則。
但係大家係唔係想見到咁既情形出現?係唔係想見到「全部會員要遵守版規,除左火鳳凰…… 等等特權人士例外」?