(2016-02-15 14:51)
Mbemba 三月頭應該出得……
Lascelles 上場停完賽已經出得,佢雖然好似唔係幾夠班,不過作戰狀態點都會好過傷左咁耐既 s.taylor……
仲好笑既係 mcclaren 賽後竟然係賴 aarons 踢左閘同埋 s.taylor 踢中堅︰
Steve McClaren:
“We got exposed on quite a few occasions in terms of the defensive frailties.
“Rolando Aarons had to play at left-back and it was only Steven Taylor’s second game in six months.“We caused our own problems. We knew Chelsea would come out quick – they wanted to win that game by half-time with the week they have ahead of them.
“You get one or two of these games a season. I have told the players – don’t let that derail us. It was damage limitation by half-time.
“I just wanted to make sure we scored a goal and stayed in the game.”
大佬呀,係你自己決定出 aarons 打左閘唔用 colback、s.taylor 打中堅唔用 lascelles,自己決定錯誤仲要搵返呢樣野黎賴……