引用第1157樓sakura_3212004於2011-03-17 10:35發表的“”:0054: Toby Memmott, from Tokyo, writes: "A lot of people are leaving Tokyo and even Japan because they are worried about radiation exposure. The truth is there is widespread panic among the foreigners here that is fuelling a media frenzy that in itself is fuelling fear and unrest with the foreigners: a Catch 22 situation. The worst thing we can do right now is abandon the Japanese people and their economy. The ones who decide to stay are having to deal with an almost doubled workload because so many have left or are leaving. Those who leave will be able to come back in two to three weeks to their job like nothing ever happened. There are so many people in the north who lost everything but given a choice to leave Japan I don't think they would. Be smart and support Japan, don't just run away." 講得好! [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情]
引用第1159樓utadahikaru20於2011-03-17 12:57發表的“”:平素は弊社タイトルをご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございます。この度、2011年春に発売を予定しておりましたPlayStation®3専用ソフト「絶体絶命都市4 -Summer Memories- 」を、発売中止とさせていただくことに致しました。.......
引用第1162樓sun於2011-03-17 13:18發表的“”:本港有市民搶購食鹽 (商台)2011年3月17日 星期四 12:59本港部份地區有市民在超級市場搶購食鹽。在深水埔一間超市外,有幾十人排隊買鹽。超市將平日賣二元一包的鹽,提高售價至每包五元。排隊的人說,聽到有傳聞指,日本 核電廠洩漏輻射 ,會污染海水,引致日後的食鹽會被污染,所以先行購買。超市負責人就說,食鹽供應充足。[表情]
引用第1164樓三郎於2011-03-17 13:20發表的“”:岩岩tvb新聞有人話食鹽抗幅射.......
引用第1166樓謝拉傑於2011-03-17 13:23發表的“”:香港人可唔可以唔好再咁白痴、咁丟架??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
引用第1165樓sun於2011-03-17 13:22發表的“”:唔搞到世紀未日就奇了... [表情]
引用第1167樓迪克於2011-03-17 13:24發表的“”:agree....人地日本都無變成咁就算台灣近d都無呢d事發生...