引用第13173樓posouth於2012-01-19 03:33發表的“”:
可能第一單就落實了. 係Teixeira, 不過唔係荷甲, 係里斯本嗰個19歲𡃁仔, 1M. NextGen Series直情話搞掂咗, 不過官網未有.
呢度講, 有埋第一場利記輸L比Lisbon段片, Teixeira有入球. 呢場睇精華幾好睇, 0:3好似我地班𡃁比人KO咁, 其實我地機會仲多. 一貫利物浦, 自己撞柱彈出, 人地撞柱彈入. By the way, Sterling呢場勁生, 識出波的Babel咁......[表情]
youth coach jose segura好野, 呢次主要係佢嘅功勞.
"For anything under £1m this would be fantastic business, as it ensures the transfer is low risk and will enable the player to develop at Anfield without the weight of a huge price tag hampering his progress. There will however, be add-ons involved should the player prove to be a success in the Premier League, although the finer details are likely to remain undisclosed.
Teixeira will not slot straight into the first team at Anfield, but is likely to play a peripheral role while learning his trade in the reserves."
平平地真係幾好, 正如上面所講, 風險低, 佢又可以少好多壓力, good!