引用第14699樓joN3於2012-04-12 19:01發表的“”:高莫利離開利物浦 Damien Comolli to leave LFC Fenway Sports Group and Liverpool FC confirmed today that Director of Football Damien Comolli has left the Club by mutual consent........
引用第14701樓魚蛋於2012-04-12 20:27發表的“”:老闆威信未立的確好難輕易炒king
引用第14695樓hyp於2012-04-12 18:20發表的“”:華西前面個幾個攻擊球員都好鐘意 [表情] [表情]
引用第14690樓sikingthegreat於2012-04-12 18:10發表的“”:就算唔得, 一個邊路進攻球員/攻中都好呀, 佢地有好幾個....下季有europa, 都算係有少少吸引力嘅.... [表情] [表情]
引用第14697樓K.B於2012-04-12 18:25發表的“”:其實avb都唔係唔可行嘅佢都要一隊豪門去prove自己最好仲要係英超tim利物浦有潛力發圍又發唔出.......
引用第14702樓托利斯於2012-04-12 20:35發表的“”:呢個局面真係好尷尬 [表情] [表情] KD自己又應該唔會辭職 [表情]
Is Damien's departure a reflection that the ownership group were unhappy with the return on player investment?I would say we certainly have the resources to compete with anybody in football. I wouldn't want to get specific about any particular decision that's been made. We feel there is enough talent on the pitch to win and, as I said, we've been dissatisfied, as most supporters have been, with the results so far. But we're also talking about the future - we have a strategy we need implemented and we felt Damien was probably not the right person to implement that strategy.
引用第14706樓K.B於2012-04-12 23:33發表的“”:原來今日唔止高莫利俾人炒Ben Smith @BenSmithBBCPeter Brukner, head of sports medicine/ science, leaves #LFC. He will almost certainly not be the last to go today. [表情] .......
引用第14675樓sikingthegreat於2012-04-12 17:43發表的“”:下面寫住 "Decision expected today"....同埋, 話上訴deadline係今日4pm, 提交proof嘅deadline係聽日5pm...........
引用第14709樓K.B於2012-04-12 23:43發表的“”:Appeal turned down .......
引用第14708樓ridanavcr於2012-04-12 23:40發表的“”:搵個 legend 返黎教,球隊成績唔好鬧佢又唔係,炒佢又唔係,之前都好多人講過,如果宜家教緊既唔係 Kenny,一早己經無得撈了。
引用第14712樓sikingthegreat於2012-04-13 00:24發表的“”:呢個幾好架喎.... 唔知話對d咩傷病有研究.... 不過好似又係前朝嘅人....
引用第14713樓earlystall於2012-04-13 00:34發表的“”:佢好似10年黎既..唔係話佢對agger既訓練令佢可以出多d場咩??? [表情] [表情] 唔明點解一下炒咁多人.. [表情]