(2013-10-23 04:09)
佢都係唔習慣喺焦點下生活嘅人, 平時作風都好低調, 我諗某程度上佢都急不及待返去郊區佢長大嘅地方讓生活歸於平淡
求其搵左篇article, 都有講佢係幾咁low-key, 幾咁唔鍾意spotlight
Some find it incredible that a player in today’s world of football, who has won so many titles and earned so much money, could be so down to earth. For Iniesta it’s simple because it’s the only way he knows how to be. “I like to return to the small town where I grew up and hang out with my old friends. It is easy for me to be me. I am how my parents educated me. I am what I am thanks to my parents. It’s impossible to lose those values. When I was 12 years old my father saved money for three months to buy me predator boots. I have money now but each time I look at those boots I remember where I come from.”
Iniesta is not a typical football “star”. Guardiola once said, “He doesn’t wear earrings and hasn’t got any tattoos. That makes him unattractive to the media but he is the best.” He’s an ordinary-looking guy, who not long ago in a Barcelona café was mistaken for a waiter by a woman who gave him her order. Iniesta went to the kitchen and got it for her.
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