火鳳凰:1. BENCH 次序係任你定的 (由高至低排列,除左龍門),例如如果你排 3-4-3,你既後備次序可以排十蚊後防、一蚊中場骨、一蚊後防骨
If a starter does not play during that week, the appropriate bench player will automatically be substituted.
不過佢呢度寫既 appropriate bench player 係唔係要同一個位置先可以換入就唔知了。如果係要同一位置,即係你排 3-4-3 的話,你個前鋒係無後備可以替的。
如果唔係同一位置都可以換出黎的話,又會有另一問題出現,就係我可以將一個唔出的後防(例如小費)放正選,後備第一位放個中場,咁我就可以打 2-5-3 了……
2. 照佢既 RULES 字面理解就唔係咁,如果你買左 TORRES,咁就要佢兩場都失蹤先會計 BENCH,如果其中一場 TORRES 上場一分鐘的話都會計 TORRES
If a player appears in more than one game during any given week, his total fantasy points for the week will be based on the sum of his real-life stats for the week.
http://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=content&y=PROD_SPORTS_YSC_PREMIER_LEAG&locale=en_GB&id=SLN7991p.s. 不過全部都係照字面去理解佢個 rules,實際上會唔會唔同就真係要到時先知……