"Liverpool apologised privately to Southampton on Wednesday morning after the full extent of the “tapping-up” was revealed and yet the South Coast club insisted that they also make a full public apology."
呢單野真係非常樣衰, 你氹得掂個球員揀你唔去車仔/曼城, 叫得糊啦最後竟然係要道歉, 真係笑死人
利物浦不嬲都鐘意向班熟既記者放料 (James Pearce, Paul Joyce, Dom King, Chris Bascombe etc.), 今次亦係所有記者同一時間公佈Van Dijk個決定, 咁點解今次搞到咁大件事呢?
就係平時叫得佢地講野果陣, 單野已經搞掂得八八九九, 今次就叻唔切, 未傾掂數就話哂比全世界聽, 結果修咸頓覺得冇面就玩大佢
隊隊波買人都要接觸個球員先架啦, 睇下佢想唔想黎, 有幾何間球會會告你, 而最後又會重罰? 當年A Cole都係罰錢就搞掂
利物浦因為之前academy比人罰過, 今次比人嚇一嚇啦就驚有transfer ban, 一日都唔夠就縮沙
連不嬲都幫球隊護航, 利物浦既喉舌Echo都咁樣形容, "What a complete and utter shambles. A farce. An embarrassment. A humiliation. A joke."