火鳳凰:橫掂都係求求其其,貪過癮擺大個頭︰FORWARDS....... (2013-04-15 19:18)
國球旗:C. N'ZogbiaAston Villa Sell at 6.51(market price 10.88)....... (2013-04-15 19:58)
火鳳凰:G. KaragounisFulham Sell at 4.22(market price 5.52)....... (2013-04-15 20:01)
國球旗:A. N'DiayeSunderland Sell at 2.47(market price 3.53)....... (2013-04-15 20:02)
Seefood:C. AdamStoke Sell at 6.67(market price 9.29)....... (2013-04-15 20:18)
火鳳凰:唔識佢…… 係今朝上黎見到有人講先知……佢其實正選穩唔穩,打咩位架? (2013-04-15 20:23)
火鳳凰:我睇完第一場興到熄左電視,之後兩場波都無睇……[表情] (2013-04-15 20:23)
國球旗:成篤屎既攻力我信唔過 [表情] [表情] (2013-04-15 20:30)
Seefood:card數有左閘唔出 出jonas琴晚比人屈到2046[表情]
火鳳凰:Alan Pardew: "It looked like a team that had worked all week on the opposition and were fresh, and the other team looked tired - that was our team."We were tired and lost our shape a little bit at times and were off the cuff. We were just tired in the mind and in the body."A game like that, you can't be. It took its toll on us this week."With that in mind, we still should have played better. The linesman has made a crucial decision at 1-0, which could take the game somewhere else."Unfortunately for us, he has called it offside when it's not. They have then, from two breakaways, smashed it in the top corner."It's a very ugly day for us and from the staff and from my players, I apologise to our fans."pardew 成日剩係識搵藉口,話隊波攰啦,球證誤判啦。其實尋日場波球證除左誤判左球 offside 之外,幾球無罰我地十二碼都已經算好彩了。講用人,無論 gutierrez 踢得幾差都好,pardew 硬係要夾硬搵個位俾佢踢,好似隊波無左佢唔得咁。左翼、右翼、防中、左閘…… 總之一定要俾個位佢……講戰術,落後左之後永遠只係得一招絕招︰442 吊高波。尋日下半場為左遷就佢既 442 理念,竟然可以將 sissoko 放去打翼!無論 carr 搵幾多隊員返黎都係無用的,唔該叫佢搵多個領隊返黎。.......
火鳳凰:係球迷會度我已經鬧到佢七彩了……[表情] (2013-04-15 20:38)
freezefox:我尋日唔知頭唔知路,放左朗尼黎買已經升哂價既新特蘭球員。[表情] (2013-04-15 19:19)